The first aid clinic at Oakcrest is staffed by two college-age specialists who have had some basic first aid training. Your camper must be able to care for herself in order to attend Oakcrest, as we do not have nurses or any medically licensed staff at camp. Self-care is defined as being able to shower, dress, and care for her own medical situation. If she is diabetic she must be able to take her own blood sugars, calculate her own insulin, give her own shots, and calculate her own nutritional needs.


Should a camper require medical treatment at a clinic or hospital, a parent/guardian will be contacted immediately and asked to promptly come and get his/her daughter.  If that is not possible or if help is needed sooner than a parent/guardian can arrive, the camper will be transported by ambulance to the appropriate medical facility.  A parent/guardian or other adult family member will be required to meet the camper at the clinic/hospital. Once a family member arrives, the camper will be turned over to his/her care. Oakcrest contact information will be given to the parent/guardian or other family member, so that he/she can contact the camp and inform them as to the campers condition and whether or not the camper will be returning to Oakcrest. If the medical problem is resolved in time for the camper to finish her stay at Oakcrest, she is welcome to return but transportation must be provided by the family. Please make sure the contact numbers on your camper’s online registration form are accurate and that we can reach you at those numbers.


If a camper will be bringing an EpiPen or an equivalent medication with them to camp, the parent/guardian must fill out the two-sided Oakcrest EpiPen Form and attach it to the camper’s Signature Form.  Oakcrest follows the nationally accepted and state-approved EpiPen standard explained on the form.  Oakcrest does not stock or provide EpiPens.


You will be very active at Oakcrest and will be spending a lot of time outdoors.  Make sure you bring a good-sized water bottle to Oakcrest.  You will be reminded by your counselor to drink water often.  You would be wise to start getting used to drinking more water before you go to camp.  Dehydration causes headaches, fatigues, and other health problems.


Oakcrest’s clinic is stocked with the following over-the-counter medications: Tylenol, ibuprofen, anti-nausea, antacid, and antihistamine. These medications will not be given unless permission is granted, by the parent/guardian on the registration form.

All medication (including over-the-counter items) must come to camp in the original container(s) labeled with dosage instructions.  All prescription medication containers should be placed together in a Ziploc bag, along with a small card listing the camper’s name and instructions for each medication (dosage and time of day to be taken).  A separate Ziploc bag (with instructions) for over-the-counter medications can be sent as well.  Oakcrest staff can only remind campers to take their medications, but by law cannot actually administer them or force girls to take them.  Parents/Guardians should review all medications and instructions with their campers so they can take their medications on their own.  Prescription medication bags will be securely stored in the first aid office for girls to come and take there.  The first aid staff will list prescription medications on a schedule spreadsheet and will remind them to take them based on the instructions sent.  Over-the-counter medications can be kept with their counselor in their cabin for easier access. Campers requiring injections must be willing and able to give their own injections, as there is not a registered nurse on the premises.  Camper’s insulin can be kept in a refrigerator in the first aid office.  Campers can carry rescue inhalers, EpiPens, and diabetic medication/supplies with them at all times.

Special Needs or Limitations

Oakcrest does not have wheelchair-accessible cabins or bathrooms and uneven terrain and distance between activities make the use of crutches at camp very tiresome for campers. The layout of the camp is spread out with the cabins located southwest of the main softball field. The cabins are located on the side of the mountain and are not wheel chair accessible. There is a lot of walking back and forth from cabins to activities all day. The main trail to the lodge and softball field is covered with golf-ball sized gravel. Crutches are strongly discouraged because they are difficult to use on the terrain at camp.

Young women with uncontrolled diabetes or other severe physical, emotional, or mental disabilities which prohibit full participation are encouraged to consider stake camp or special needs camp instead of Oakcrest. Local stake/ward leaders do not attend Oakcrest with their campers, and hired Oakcrest counselors are not trained to handle severe disabilities. Campers who come to Oakcrest are expected to function independently and be self-care. Some young women with physical or mental needs which require only a little individual help can come with a 16 to 18-year-old buddy.  

For the safety of the camper, it is important that all moderate to severe medical and emotional information be filled out completely and specifically on the online registration form. Parents/Guardians of campers with moderate to severe emotional health concerns will be contacted by a member of the Oakcrest Women’s Committee prior to camp only if requested to do so on the registration form.  Should a camper’s medical situation change after the registration form has been submitted online, a New Medical Information form should be filled out and given to the camper’s stake leader or turned in at the Open Enrollment table on busing day.


Please pack sunscreen and use it while at Oakcrest.  You will be involved in many outdoor activities during the week.  Please be wise and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself against sunburn.

Tick-bite Prevention

Tick species are widely distributed around the world and are most commonly found in brushy areas along the edges of fields and woodlands.  They are also found near commonly traveled paths through grassy areas and shrubbery.  While it is a good idea to take preventative measures against ticks year round, be extra vigilant in warmer months.

Oakcrest has a dress policy that will help with the prevention of tick bites.  Long pants, socks, and sturdy shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) are required for daily wear.  Long socks that can be pulled up over the pant leg are required for the hike and highly encouraged during a camper’s entire stay.