All young women are transported to and from camp on chartered tour buses that leave from and return to the busing location at the Murray South Stake Center, 5735 South Fashion Boulevard, in Murray, Utah. Young women should arrive by 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning and will return about 12:30 p.m. on Friday afternoon.  Please remember that leaders should arrive at the busing location by 7:30 a.m.

Bus Assignments: 

Stake leaders will be contacted before camp with the bus number(s) of the bus or buses their campers will be riding on.

Bring the following to busing:

  • Your stake’s colored duct tape
  • A small table
  • A list of your campers (this list will be emailed to you)
  • Bus tickets for each of your campers (these will be emailed to you)
  • An Oakcrest Busing Form

Busing Day Checklist

  • Arrive at 7:30 a.m.
  • Find your stake flag and set up your table.
  • Check campers off your list as they arrive.
  • Make sure each camper’s luggage is labeled with your stake’s colored duct tape.
  • Distribute a bus ticket to each camper as she checks in.
  • Refer campers who are going with your stake but are not in your stake to the Open Enrollment table for check in.
  • When buses are ready to load and chaperones have arrived, invite campers to load their luggage. No food is allowed on the bus. Campers may bring their water bottles with them on the bus, but all other luggage will be placed in the luggage compartment of the bus. Epipens and inhalers should be kept with the camper at all times.
  • Make phone calls to campers who are not there by 8:15.
  • After all campers have checked in or by 8:20, whichever comes first, complete the Oakcrest Busing Form and take it to the Open Enrollment table. Buses cannot leave until all stakes have checked in.
Monday Arrival and Departure Times:
  • 7:30 a.m. Stake Leaders Arrive
  • 7:45 a.m. Chaperones Arrive
  • 8:00 a.m. Campers Arrive
  • 8:30 a.m. Campers Depart
  • 11:30 a.m. Chaperones Return
Friday Arrival and Departure Times:
  • 8:50 a.m. Chaperones Arrive
  • 9:15 a.m. Chaperones Depart
  • 12:30 p.m. Campers Arrive

Buses leave promptly at 8:30. No exceptions can be made for latecomers.  Campers arriving late will need to find their own transportation to camp. 

Busing Chaperone Information

Each stake needs to find female chaperones (18 or older) to ride the bus with the campers on the way to Oakcrest on Monday and on the way home from Oakcrest on Friday. Please assign someone other than the check-in person to be a chaperone on Monday.  Please download and print the form above and give it to your chaperones prior to busing day.

Use the following scale to determine how many chaperones your stake needs:

  • 1 – 40 campers: 1 chaperone on Monday AND Friday
  • 41 – 100 campers: 2 chaperones on Monday AND Friday
  • 100+ campers: 3 chaperones on Monday AND Friday

After returning from Oakcrest, Friday chaperones need to remain at the busing location until ALL CAMPERS FROM THEIR STAKE have been picked up.  Information on arrival times for chaperones and other instructions are included on the Oakcrest Chaperone Information form.  Please assign a back-up chaperone in case one of your chaperones cancels at the last minute.  Chaperones are not allowed to bring children or pets with them.