Campers are transported to and from camp on chartered tour buses. Young women should arrive at the busing location by 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning and will return to the same location at about 12:30 p.m. on Friday afternoon.  See below for the location information.

When you arrive for busing on Monday morning, please follow the directions given by the parking attendants.  Oakcrest does not have a “drop zone” in the bus staging area, so we ask drivers to please park in a parking stall and have campers carry their luggage to the colored flag labeled with their stake name. Campers should check in with their stake leader to obtain a bus ticket. If you are going with a stake other than your own or if you are an open enrollment camper, please check in at the Open Enrollment table.

The church restrooms are not available to the public. Please use restrooms in the pavilion prior to boarding the bus.

Campers should arrive at the busing location dressed for camp. No shorts, dresses, sleeveless shirts, or capris are allowed. Socks must be worn, and shoes must be closed-toe and cover the entire foot.

No food is allowed on the bus. Campers may bring their water bottles with them on the bus, but all other luggage will be placed in the luggage compartment of the bus. Epipens and inhalers should be kept with the camper at all times.

When you ride the bus to and from Oakcrest, please be courteous and respectful to the driver and other campers.  Please do not yell or do anything to distract the driver.  You are welcome to sing camp songs and talk with one another, but please remain seated.  If you have a question or concern, please share it with the adult chaperone that will be riding on the bus with you.  The chaperone can then communicate your concern to the driver if necessary.

Buses leave promptly at 8:30. No exceptions will be made for latecomers.  Campers arriving late will need to find their own transportation to camp.

Oakcrest Busing Location

Murray South LDS Stake Center
5735 S. Fashion Boulevard
Murray, Utah 84107